Groups, Movements and Apostolates

Small groups can be great opportunities to grow in our love of God and neighbor. Both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition help guide us on our journey—lighting our path with God’s Word of Truth and Love.

Small Church Communities

Some parishes in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis offer faith sharing groups called "Small Church Communities." A Small Church Community (SCC) is a small group of adults, and at times children, who gather to reflect on their lives in the light of the Gospel and to share their Catholic faith through prayer, friendship, learning and service.

Call your parish to see if small church communities exist already. For more information and/or help starting small church communities in your parish, contact

        •Ute Eble


Some Archdiocese of Indianapolis Parishes that feature small church communities:

Programs and studies to consider:

If you would like suggestions regarding other good resources to use in faith-sharing groups or adult faith formation in general, please contact:

Ute Eble
Director of Catechesis
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
1400 N. Meridian
Indianapolis, IN  46202
(317) 749-0871


Central Indiana Cursillo Community

The Central Indiana Cursillo Community serves the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Diocese of Lafayette with a combined 230 parishes in 63 counties.  Cursillo is a Catholic Christian movement recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.  It is not a traditional retreat and is best described as an experience. It is an experience in discovering a better life in what is fundamental in Christianity.

Cursillo (pronounced "kur-see-yo") is a movement that promotes a spiritual revitalization of our world.  The transference of the values of Christ to others with whom we come in contact is the Christianization that Cursillo promotes.

During the three-day weekend, participants receive a deep and profound experience of Christian life:

        •We begin to know ourselves better (encounter self).
        •We experience the presence and love of Jesus Christ (encounter Jesus).
        •We see the goodness provided by a loving and caring Christian Community (encounter 
          with others).

The weekend helps us experience our Catholic faith more fully.  We become motivated to engage in a spiritual life filled with joy, laughter and enthusiasm; and to discover an enhanced relationship with God. The point of the Cursillo movement is ordinary people steadily growing in the love and service of God and his people for the rest of our lives.

For more information, please go to or email us at

Welcome Retreat from Dynamic Catholic
(Previously Called Christ Renews His Parish)

Christ Renews His Parish groupWelcome is an overnight retreat experience for your parishioners who have previously attended Welcome at your parish. (If your parish is new to Welcome, find out how to get started).

Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the everyday to reflct on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other men or women in the parish.

There are two sessions, one for men and the other for women. The two weekends are not mixed sessions and would allow for a husband and wife to attend on the different weekends and still attend to family needs. Most participants are aged 25 and above.

A Welcome retreat is...

  • It is a time to relax, pray, and rethink priorities.
  • It is a time to get to know others in the parish and grow as a community.
  • It is an opportunity to examine, rediscover, and /or intensify your personal relationship with Christ.
  • It is a weekend of reflection and sharing of spiritual and real life issues.

A Welcome retreat is not...

  • It is not a silent retreat, yet there are periods of quiet reflection and prayer.
  • It is not a parish organization or clique
  • It is not a solitary retreat, your participation makes the retreat a spiritual one for you and the other participants.
  • You will not be required to speak in front of the group, however, your participation in the group discussion is a key to the retreat.

Learn more about Welcome:

Visit the Welcome website at:


Why the change from "Christ Renews His Parish" to "Welcome"?

See the message from Dynamic Catholic, here.


For more information, contact:


What is ALPHA?  

  • Alpha helps create a space for honest conversation around some of life’s biggest questions. It is designed to provide guests an opportunity to connect with one another while providing the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a safe and caring environment. Alpha helps bring people together while providing the chance to encounter Jesus.
  • Equipping churches, ministries, and individuals to help others discover and develop a relationship with Jesus is our mission. We estimate that more than a million people in the U.S. have experienced Alpha for themselves in the last three years, and we are grateful to be a part of making that journey possible.
  • Whether it’s a group of friends gathered around a kitchen table or a quick online catch-up, times of connecting are important. All sessions start with a time of connection—over a meal in person, or virtually with a favorite beverage—to relax and build friendships.
  • The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?”, and “How does God guide us?”
  • One of the most important parts of any Alpha is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic in a small group format. Guests hear from others and have an opportunity to contribute/share in a judgment-free environment.

Groups, Movements and Apostolates with Liaison with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis

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