ARK - Assessment of Religious Knowledge:

Enabling the Faith to Flourish and Learning to Thrive.

  • Why the Archdiocese chose ARK as their assessment tool? The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has long believed in the use of religion assessments for its young people in Catholic schools and parishes.
    • For over a decade we used ACRE as our assessment tool
    • Over the years, a decline in the effectiveness of ACRE was determined
    • In 2023, we had a group of schools and parishes try ARK for the first time as a to see it effectiveness
    • In 2024, our schools and parishes had the option of using ARK or ACRE to assess their students
    • In the spring of 2025, all schools and parishes of the Archdiocese will be required to assess their students in the following grades: 3, 5, 7, 9, & 11
    • ACRE is no longer used; however, past ACRE scores can be viewed below
  • ARK Information Letter here can answer a few questions
  • ARK website for further info


Past ACRE Scores

ACRE Scores for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis


Catholic School

NCEA National ACRE Scores

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