Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Ministry

Mass Online

Holy Angels Catholic Church of the Deaf (HAC) is a Personal Parish for Catholic Deaf People and their families living in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  There are 2 priests that are deaf, and they offer Mass in Sign language online and they also offer online religious education classes. 

Here is their website:

"Walking with Christ" Reflections on the Stations of the Cross

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis offered a podcast series named “Walking with Christ” focusing on the 14 Scriptural Stations of the Cross that were celebrated by St. John Paul II. The 14 podcasts are available in English, Spanish and American Sign Language. Each includes a reflection by one of our Archdiocesan priests, as well as an idea for Fasting and Almsgiving. Find the YouTube playlist HERE

Find the podcast, videos and lots of other great Lent resources HERE

Additional Mass and Prayer Resources!

Fr. Shawn Carey: live streaming Mass in ASL: HERE

Many additional options for Mass in ASL or interpreted in ASL: HERE

Saint Stories and activities/lessons in ASL: HERE

Daily Vlogs from Deaf Catholic Philly: HERE

ASL Catholic Media: HERE

Exciting New Resources!!


In a wonderful group effort, the Youth Catechism (YouCAT) has been translated into American Sign Language.

Each week a new video, presented in ASL,is released. Check them out HERE

But wait! There's more!



Hands of Grace: The Catholic Sacraments in ASL

Ascension Press has released "Hands of Grace" a beautiful seven part series on the Sacraments. Fr. Sean Loomis presents the series in ASL, and the accompanying participants guide is visually rich and engaging! Check it out HERE.






“How a deaf priest is reaching a neglected Catholic Community”

Click HERE to read the article


"Celebrating the Year of Mercy" with Fr. Mike Depcik

Thank you to all who participated and to Fr. Mike for joining us!

Click HERE to read the Criterion article

Interpreted Masses in the Archdiocese

9:30 am Sunday Mass at St. Matthew Catholic Church, Indianapolis

You can also view Mass in ASL each Sunday Live on Facebook at "Deaf Catholic Community / St. John Deaf Center"

A weekly Mass video in ASL is posted on our Facebook page: Deaf Catholic Community Rochester Diocese

Sacramental Preparation Resources

Does your parish offer a subscription to FORMED? Some resources are captioned, including Symbolon! Check out the content list HERE.

Religious Signs for Families APP

Click HERE to learn more or purchase for Apple Devices

Click HERE to learn more or purchase for Android Devices

Program for First Reconciliation in ASL from NCOD 

Program for First Eucharist in ASL from NCOD

Includes DVD- all dialogue is in ASL, all text and worksheets are in Spanish.

ASL Confirmation Preparation by NCOD

Other Video Resources:

Fr. Shawn Carey explains the steps in making a good confession, including the Act of Contrition

"Understanding the Sacraments" with Fr. Christopher Klusman video series

Catholic Marriage Preparation Class Online! Closed Captioned, USCCB Approved:

**Before beginning any marriage preparation program, be sure you are in communication with your Parish priest

Resources for Interpreting the Mass

Religious ASL (RASL) Week (Diocese of Rockford, IL) Click HERE for more information!

YouTube Playlist: New Roman Missal for Interpreters (from the Archdiocese of Washington)

YouTube Video: New Roman Missal Translation (from the Archdiocese of Boston)

Interpreter Resources/ASL videos (from the Archdiocese of Boston)

Interpreting the Mass: Decision Making, Preparation and Practice (workshop) 

Signing the Scriptures, Year A,B and C by Joan Blake: It is important to note that these books do NOT provide pictures of the signs, but the word order for the readings, using the ASL syntax.

Religious Signing: A Comprehensive Guide for All Faiths by Elaine Costello, Ph.D

Resources for Parishes

Policy for Working with Sign Language Interpreters in Catholic Religious Settings from NCOD

Principles for Understanding Deaf Ministry and Guidelines for Hiring Pastoral Ministers for the Deaf Community (NCOD)

Homilies, Prayers and Interviews in ASL

Fr. Mike Depcik's blog: a wonderful resource in general for homilies, interviews and prayers in ASL, including the Stations of the Cross, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary

ASL prayer resource from Loyola Press


The "Jesus" film translated into ASL: based on Luke's Gospel from the "Good News" translation, Today's English Version (USCCB approved)

Deaf Bible App: available free from iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Apps for Kindle Fire

The Bible: ASL version Online videos of Scripture in ASL, with an APP available! Many other resources for adults and children as well.

Local site Links: