Archdiocesan staff phone list

The following phone list is for employees of the Archbishop O'Meara Catholic Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN.

Unless indicated differently, the area code for all numbers is 317.

List updated November 18, 2024 | Download this alphabetical listing (PDF)

Main Line


(If only an extension is provided below, call the main line and ask to be forwarded)




Benedictine Room


Carmelite Room


Charity Room


Franciscan Room


Providence Room


Staff Lounge


AME Helpdesk


Adams, Ennis Jr. 236-7317
Atkins, Eric 236-1453
Anderson, Andrea ext. 7323
Antone, Frances 236-1452
Aquila, Vincent 236-1529
Audley, James ext. 1753
Augenstein, Fr. Eric 236-1496
Aylworth, Sarah 364-4295
Baldan, Peter 236-1561
Bangert, Erich 236-1432
Bardo, Anita 236-1466
Bartolowitz, Dcn. David 236-1493
Beaven, Joyce 236-1552
Belkassim, Mbanca 236-1412
Bendel Sperka, Valerie 236-1426
Bethuram, David 236-1530
Bickel, Flor 236-1596
Birthline Workroom 236-1504
Birthline Office 236-1433
Blandford, Dcn. Kerry 236-1492
Boner, Megan 236-1416
Bray, Katie 236-3366
Brockmeier, Fr. James 236-1480
Brooks, Reechelle 236-1509
Brunson, Chris 236-3363
Bryans, Jenny 236-1448
Brydon, Theresa 236-1405
Bucher, Jana 236-1488
Bunch, Christa 236-1403
Burkert, Brian 592-4000
Bursten, Beatrice 236-7329
Bush, Cheri 236-1411
Caamano, Priscilla ext. 1437
Carroll, Keri 236-1550
Carter, Keith 236-3360
Chamblee, Theresa 236-1404
Colon-Laboy, Marianette ext. 1429
Cooke, David 236-1452
Cord, Dcn. John 592-4012
Corona, Claudia 236-7310
Covington, Olivia 592-4062
Coyne, Grace None listed
Davis, Liz 592-4065
Disney, Brian 592-4051
Eble, Ute 749-0871
Elcesser, John 261-3368
Emenogu, Sr. Loretto 236-1484
Evans, Brandon 236-1577
Evans, Laura 236-1428
Ewing, Elizabeth 236-1584
Fall, Craig 236-1534
Frank, Fred 236-1515
Freddy, Kirezi None listed
Friel, Jeri 236-1415
Front Desk 236-1400
Gallagher, Sean 236-1574
Gehret, Joseph 236-1464
Ghaznawi, Ahmad 236-7311
Gilman, Rachel 236-9638
Ginther, Fr. Rick 236-1993
Goodrich, Beth 236-1539
Grahn, Diane 236-7316
Gratz, Abby 236-1500, ext. 2
Gudger, Michelle 236-1556
Hagenauer, Maggie 236-1490
Hansen, Joe 236-1544
Hanson, Kristine 236-1433
Harris, Stacy 236-1535
Hartkorn, Robin 236-1441
Hernandez, Carmen 236-3381
Herbertz, Daniel 236-1473
Higgins, Amy 236-1482
Hoefer, Natalie 236-1486
Horner, Ben None listed
Hosty, Dcn. Tom 225-5804
Hubbard, Kathryn 236-1463
Inabnitt, Jessica 236-1514
Intercultural Ministries Admin 261-3380
Jaeger, Brittney 592-4021
Jawad, Sajjad 236-1524
John, Sharmilla 236-1523
Kane, Michael 560-2699
Kasongo, Emma 468-271-2221
Keucher, Fr. Michael 236-1495
Kirk, Mike 236-1546
Kisi, Anaclet 778-5459
Khaual, Anthony 236-1408
Krause, Sally 236-1765
Krieger, Anne 236-1444
Krokos, Mike 236-1598
Krol, David 261-3379
Laboy, Marianette Colón 236-1429
LaCoursiere, Roarke 236-1455
Lauritsen, Megan 815-992-9343
Leffler, Kristen 592-4044
Levy, Rachel 463-213-3005
Lewis, Ann 236-1585
Lian, Peter 236-1528
Marqua, Joelle 236-1536
Marren, Susan 236-1532
Maslar, Jim 236-1588
Mastronicola, Emily 592-4006
Mercer, Jay 236-1540
Metzger, Mallory 592-4029
Mingus, Alexander 236-1458
Modaff, Sr. Paula 236-1469
Mohamed, Abdirashid 592-4027
Mohammad, Zaki ext. 4042
Moore, Jolinda 236-1462
Moo, Nay None listed
Morrisey, Meagan 236-1461
Morsal, Ismael ext. 4016
Motyka, Julie 236-1538
Motyka, Andy 236-1513
Mustafa, Mohammed 236-7319
Mutombo, Lakela 231-5519
Neal, Gabrielle 236-1553
Navarette, Felix 236-7312
Newton, Fr. Joe 592-4004
Nyabuga, Jacinta 348-1270
Ogorek, Ken 236-1446
Ogorek, Melissa 236-1414
Okerson, Maureen 236-1440
Orrell, Sam ext. 3590
Ortiz, Bailey 436-9596
Pietro, Maria 236-1507
Pohovey, Kim 236-1568
Radomsky, Michelle 236-1529
Ramirez, Darling 231-5742
Rautenberg, Fr. Joe ext. 1449
Rhodes, Hailey 236-1500, ext. 2
Rikabi, Haddy 236-7314
Roberts, Beth 236-7325
Ross, Marilyn 236-7326
Ross, Gabriela 592-4007
Ross, Daniel 236-1470
Sanders, Ellen 236-1501
Sarlitto, Eric 261-3392
Seals, Sandra 236-1500
Shaughnessy, John 236-1554
Shock, Lisa 236-1439
Sifuentes, Paul 236-1589
Singh, Poshan 236-1557
Smith, Brianna 592-4045
Smith, Heidi 542-3568
Smith, Tracey 236-1409
Soto, Laura 592-4034
Sprauer, Enza 236-7313
Springman, Rose 236-7324
Stahl, Carina 236-1499
Steele, Tanya 981-2154
Stone, Dana 236-1591
Stumpf, Msgr. Bill 236-1405
Summers, Kay 236-1560
Sutton, Diane 261-3376
Swartz, Ronda 236-7322
Thompson, Abp Charles 236-1403
Timogene, Joseph 261-3362
Tochhong, Lalthanzuala None listed
Torres, Laura 236-1571
Uminski, Patrice ext. 1523
Varick, Brie Anne 236-1543
Vincent-Rodas, Christine 236-1483
Wahnsiedler, Lucy 236-1498
Wakolbinger, Julie 261-3362
Walsh, Christopher 236-1481
Watson, Sarah 592-4011
Wilhelm, Jacquie 236-1563
Winn, Tim 261-3371
Woodard, Bernetta 236-1541
Wood, Dcn. James 236-1569
Woodsworth, Monica 261-3378
Wuensch, Kim ext. 6539
Wunnenberg, Andrea 236-1533
Wyciskalla, Fr. Tim 236-1476
Young, Julie 236-1538
Zabriskie, Kathryn 236-1495
Zathang, Alan 240-8603
Zelik, Jenny 592-4099


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