September 27, 2024


Do you have time to bring a touch of hope and healing to a broken world?

Searching for a reason to participate in this fall’s 40 Days for Life campaign?

Look no further than the ballot initiatives related to abortion this November going before voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Nevada and South Dakota.

Some residents in these states want to join Vermont, California, Michigan and Ohio, which have enshrined abortion as a right in their state constitutions.

Sadly, we should not be surprised by what has transpired since the U.S. Supreme Court, in its 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, overturned the Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion on demand nationwide. Dobbs returned abortion laws to state legislatures, but some argue the Court overstepped its bounds.

Thus, the efforts to protect the unborn and their mothers continue. It will not end until we can convince the uninformed and those with hardened hearts that abortion is unthinkable, that every child is a gift from God and that women deserve better than abortion. Our work is far from over.

That is a primary reason 40 Days for Life campaigns are still necessary, not only in the United States but across the globe.

40 Days for Life is an international effort that seeks to end abortion through peaceful prayer vigils, and to raise community awareness of the consequences of abortion.

A campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful activism, a nationwide 40 Days for Life has been held in the spring and fall since 2007 with the purpose of turning hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life and bringing an end to abortion. This year’s fall campaign is being held from Sept. 25-Nov. 3.

During the campaigns, individuals and groups pray during one-hour time slots around the world. The initiative offers us a unique opportunity to plant seeds of faith, hope and love where the unborn and their mothers are concerned, and it is a powerful example having people across the globe pray in unison for the unborn and their mothers. It provides an opportunity for the Lord to do his work through us and convert hearts.

The statistics confirm our witness across the globe is working: since 2007, 24,853 babies have been saved, 155 abortion centers have been closed, and 263 abortion workers have quit their jobs.

In the archdiocese, North Vernon joins Indianapolis this fall as a municipality in central and southern Indiana hosting a 40 Days for Life campaign.

The campaign will take place in North Vernon near the CVS and Walgreen’s stores at 14 N. State St. Both pharmacies provide and sell the drugs used in chemical abortions, which is now the most common form of abortion.

“Our goal is to create public awareness that these corporations sell these dangerous and deadly drugs. The goal is to advocate for CVS and Walgreens to drop these products immediately,” explained Tim O’Donnell, who is overseeing the North Vernon campaign. “We will be participating at 40 Days for Life in that location to prayerfully and peacefully draw attention to the issue and get the community involved.

“We have information to hand out on the risks of these abortion drugs, how to contact CVS and Walgreens corporate headquarters to voice our concerns,” he continued, “and [share] information about pregnancy resources in our area.”

To sign up for one or more hours, go to

For more information, contact O’Donnell at 317-372-0040 or

As in years past, the campaign in Indianapolis will take place in front of the Planned Parenthood facility at 8590 Georgetown Road. Parking is available along Georgetown Road; do not park in the Women’s Care Center parking lot or at the industrial complex across from the Planned Parenthood facility.

The Indianapolis campaign had an opening event in front of the facility in Indianapolis on Sept. 25, with guest speaker Benjamin Ice, regional director of Students for Life of America.

The Indiana Knights of Columbus will hold a 12-hour overnight vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood facility starting at 6 p.m. on Oct. 4. All are welcome to join for a few minutes, an hour or more.

To sign up for one or more hours during the Indianapolis campaign, go to

For additional information, contact Robert Burton at

To find other 40 Days for Life campaigns outside of the archdiocese, go to and select “Locations.”

If you cannot commit to taking part in 40 Days for Life, consider making time to pray for the success of the campaign.

Our faith implores us to be voices for the voiceless.

May the Gospel message of hope, healing, forgiveness and love we share bring light where there is darkness in our broken world.

—Mike Krokos

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