September 6, 2024

2024 Catechesis Supplement

‘Franciscan at Home’ tracks

Following is a list of current and future tracks offered by Franciscan University Catechetical Institute’s “Franciscan at Home” online resource. Each track includes video workshops and other materials.

  • English:
    • Catechist
    • Four Pillars of the Catechism
    • Parish Catechetical Leader
    • Youth Ministry
    • Young Adults
    • Catholic Schools
    • Ministry of Parenting
    • Pastoral Accompaniment
    • First Proclamation and Evangelization
    • Ongoing Diaconal Formation
    • Eucharistic Renewal
    • Catechumenal Ministry
    • Marriage Renewal Ministry
    • Educating in Christ
  • Español:
    • Especializaciones Ministeriales (Specialty Ministries)
    • Certificación en el Liderazgo y Ministerio Pastoral (Certification for Leadership and Pastoral Ministries)
  • Tracks in development:
    • Antiquum Ministerium
    • Diocesan Officials
    • Culture of Life
    • Priestly Renewal
    • Music Ministry
    • Certificación Básica Para Catequistas in Español (Basic Certification for Catechists)

For a list of workshops associated with each current track, go to †


Related story: Franciscan at Home catechetical resource forms ‘both mind and heart’

Read more from our 2024 Catechesis Supplement

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