September 6, 2024

2024 Catechesis Supplement

Study guide on Vatican document on human dignity available online

The archdiocesan Office of Catechesis has developed a study, reflection and discussion guide for “Dignitas Infinita” (“Infinite Dignity”), a declaration of the Vatican’s Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith issued on April 8. The document explains the Church’s teaching on human dignity and applies it to several trends in contemporary society.

Ken Ogorek, executive director of the archdiocesan Secretariat for Evangelizing Catechesis, said that the guide is intended for use by both individuals and groups.

“We want leaders of parishes, schools and agencies to invite individuals to consider reading and prayerfully reflecting on the document,” Ogorek said. “And if that flows into some sort of group setting, which would be great, that’s encouraged as well.”

The guide, which is currently available in English and Spanish, can be accessed at This webpage also includes links to other resources, including the Vatican declaration in English and Spanish and Archbishop Charles C. Thompson’s pastoral letter “We Are One in Christ.” †


Related story: Vatican declaration affirms that all humans have an ‘infinite dignity’

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