April 3, 2020

My Journey to God

The Way of the Cross

Jesus carried the wooden cross to Calvary
He shouldered the load for you and me
On the wood of the cross he was crucified
There on the cross he was nailed and died.

Scripture reveals that the cross we bear
Will be heavy and burdensome and not fair
The way of the cross is the way to God
With faith in our hearts this way we trod.

Growing closer to God is always our goal
Listening to God’s word is to save our soul
Prayers on the way to God are the steppingstone
The way of the cross is always clearly shown.

The way of the cross is the way to eternal life
Eternal life in the heavenly realm free of strife
The way leads to the home of the living Lord
There a trouble-free existence is our reward.

The way of the cross is the way to the Lord
Obstacles are met and the river of doubt we ford
We carry our heavy cross and we do not despair
We journey the way of the cross with love and care.

By Thomas J. Rillo

(Thomas J. Rillo is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and a Benedictine oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad.)

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