October 11, 2024

Be Our Guest / Michael O’Connell

Are you following God’s will?

One of the greatest gifts our Lord gave to each of us is our free will. This gift which we all possess is a gift that can be used for good, or we can abuse it, causing us to sin and fall out of grace with our Redeemer.

As I reflect on my life, I am still trying to determine if I am following my own will or the Lord’s will. I know that at times we all try to justify our actions and tell ourselves this is my Father’s will, as long as we satisfy our egos and convince ourselves we are doing the right thing.

Many even interpret the Scriptures falsely believing that this Scripture passage means this, so I must be doing God’s will. Not everyone who believes they are doing God’s will enters the kingdom of heaven.

This brings me to the question we all should be asking and trying to discern in our lives: What is God’s will for me? Any priest or holy person will tell you this is not an easy question to answer and that it takes prayer, discernment, spiritual direction, an examination of conscious and effort.

In the Scriptures, we read, “Everything is lawful, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is lawful, but not everything builds up” (1 Cor 10:23).

It continues, “No one should seek his own advantage, but that of his neighbor” (1 Cor 10:24).

In determining what is our will versus what is God’s will, we must ask ourselves: does my freedom of choice align with the Church’s teachings and the word of God in the Scriptures?

Second, always pray to our Lord, seeking his graces and wisdom to determine if you are making the right choice or decision.

Third, why not seek out a spiritual director? God often helps us through other people; it may be a parish priest, a holy layperson or maybe even a friend who is informed in Scripture.

Next, look to the saints and resources that help you to determine what is Godly and follow those examples.

Now ask yourself: what will my next choice be and will this decision lead me, hopefully, into our eternal home in heaven?

So, what will you do? I pray you follow God’s will!

(Michael O’Connell is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington.)

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