August 9, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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No letters were printed this week; here is the letter from twelve weeks ago:

Let’s build a Catholic culture in a secular world, reader says

There are people who would prefer to debate about Pope Francis for an hour than to pray the rosary.

Catholicism is a religion, first and foremost. Political ideology, culture wars, which flavor of Catholicism is best—all are secondary to our relationship with Jesus Christ and our spiritual formation. Our relationship with God is what needs to come first. A solid prayer life is more important than virtue-signaling or trying to be a theologian.

Catholic culture must avoid disintegrating into merely cultural Catholicism. We must avoid dumbing down our faith through cultural discord, but rather, nourish our spiritual lives on the classic foundations of our rich Catholic intellectual and liturgical tradition.

We should always be about building a Catholic culture that is evangelical, liturgical, spiritual and missionary.

We should drink deeply from the Scriptures, sacred tradition, the divine liturgy, and communally partake in many of the traditional practices of our faith.

Each parish should be a bridge between the secular world and Catholic culture, and each one of us should be building blocks in that bridge.

- Kirth N. Roach | Order of Carmelite Discalced Secular Indianapolis

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