March 16, 2012

CNN documentary on sainthood of Mother Theodore is available online

Cable News Network (CNN) recently broadcast a brief documentary on the canonization process of St. Theodora Guérin, the foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods and Indiana’s first saint.

Interviewed in the documentary were Andrea Ambrosi, Providence Sister Marie Kevin Tighe and Philip McCord.

Ambrosi is a Rome-based lawyer who helped shepherd St. Theodora’s cause through the Holy See’s Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Providence Sister Marie Kevin served as vice postulator of Mother Theodore’s canonization cause, promoting devotion to her and gathering information that helped move her cause forward.

McCord was an employee of the Sisters of Providence who, in 2000, was scheduled to have a corneal transplant. Although not Catholic, he prayed to Mother Theodore for strength to endure his suffering. Much to his and his doctors’ surprise, his vision improved overnight and the transplant was not needed.

Medical professionals and Church officials here and in Rome ultimately determined that McCord experienced a miracle through St. Theodora’s intercession, which led to her canonization.

The documentary can be viewed online in two segments at and †

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